Hey betta lover, my name is Bryan C. (founder of bettafish.org) and I’ve been caring for and keeping betta fish for over 9 years. I’d like to extend you a warm welcome to the best community and informational place to learn all about this wonderful tropical, freshwater fish.
I created this website because when I brought my first betta fish home I had no idea what I was doing. I followed most of the misinformation and myths at the time and assumed I was doing everything right. The employees at the pet store were also not educated and set me up with all the wrong things.

I bought a 1-gallon tank with no filter, no heater, some plastic plants, and was feeding some low quality pellets (yikes!). Luckily I was vigilant early on with partial water changes and I lived on the third floor of an apartment complex, so the surrounding air temperature was always pretty warm. The betta lived to be around 3 years old and only started thriving after I researched everything there was to know about bettas. I transformed his habitat and the care I was providing.
I couldn’t believe the amount of misinformation that was happening in big box pet stores and online. I set out to change that and wanted to help advocate for these beautiful fish by educating others. The betta has been subjected to myths and misinformation partially because of their unique abilities (like breathing atmospheric air), but also because of the abundance of poor products on the market (often marketed to beginners).
The betta fish is a very popular aquatic pet for beginners because of their cost and footprint in a home. Being a betta mom or dad though, comes with great responsibility, and that’s what I’m here to help you with. All betta parents should understand how to ethically care for their betta so they live a long and healthy life.
My overall goal is to educate, but also entertain you, uniting owners together to provide a bit of humor, answers to common questions, and trustworthy help and information that’s based on science – with proven methods of care.
Unfortunately, misinformation is still rampant amongst some pet store employees (although it’s gotten better over the years), on the web, and even from juvenile betta fish owners. I really hope you’ll stick around, take the time to learn everything you can about the beautiful betta, and become an advocate with me.
Every betta fish is unique and special in its own way. I’m still amazed at their unique personalities each time I bring home and care for a new one. I have cared for almost all of the popular tail types and have had both males and females. My current favorite is my double tail male who is red, white and blue.
Remember, knowledge is power and it leads to happy owners and happy and healthy fish. The betta is an extraordinary pet that can provide stress relief and even teach children responsibility. I hope more individuals research and learn about betta fish before purchasing one. This will help alleviate wrong purchases and will give keepers the correct information from the start.
Want to ask me a question? How about share pictures of your betta or aquarium for potential inclusion on the site or social media profiles? Feel free to send me an email to bryan@bettafish.org or by visiting the contact page.
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